Wednesday, May 11, 2011

TV: Game of Thrones - Cripples, Bastards and Broken Things

This week's episode talked unnecessary stories of the past, with truths and falsities among each - and finally all of the characters and their stories move forward.

I know I seem to be rehashing myself week to week with this; however, it would seem "Game of Thrones" now relies on exposition to get it's message across and reveal the stories and motives of it's characters. Remember, this is a world that is full of history, each character has a story, but I can imagine the exposition is beginning to turn people away - there were tales told in this episode. A story within a story if you will that revealed connections between characters, but the usefulness of these reveals is something to question.

I dig Tyrion after his offering to Bran in the opening minutes, promising that he will ride once more, even with Bran's paralysis. But tere's something about him that makes me think there is an ulterior motive behind his affection towards Bran. That thought is leading me that his kindness toward Bran is part of his investigation into why exactly he ended up on the bottom of a tower. Interestingly enough, that's the last we saw of Tyrion until the closing minutes.

Finally! Snow's story at the Wall is taking shape with the introduction of the cowardly Sam. A rather plump boy sent to "become a man." Snow is compassionate, but closed off, he's a bastard and he's told it over and over, so his familiarity with Sam worked. Snow and Sam's interactions were really good, with Sam coming from a family that didn't accept him to proving to himself and his family that he was ready to fight - when he really wasn't. I like the introduction of Sam, there's so much room for his development, I have hope that he stays. Because if the writers plan on transforming him from a large coward to a battle ready warrior, then I must say, Sam is one to fear when it comes to their first assignment.

Viserys and Danys story still continues to move forward, in the literal sense. Viserys' mental state seems to be driven by so much hunger for power that his pure naivety will be his inevitable downfall. Danys on the other hand reassures her now found power over her brother, after having enough of his, for me, the writers haven't got much to work with here other than Danys rise to power, and Viserys realisation that his sister is much more scarier than first thought. These two are moving towards taking back the Seven Kingdoms, but that's it, whether it is Viserys sitting on the throne or Danys sitting beside her husband will be another matter.

And in the closing minutes, Tyrion returns to a local tavern, bumping into Catelyn in the process - only to see her unite the folk from her past in order to capture over her assumption that he ordered the assassination of her son. It was a brilliant scene that really does show the unseen and underused power women have in this world. That scene there will generate some interesting consequences for both the Stark's and Lannisters in the coming weeks.

The best episode so far, a little cluttered with some semi-pointless story telling from the characters in Westeros, but at the same time, some of them necessary. Couple it all with a killer closing scene and some interesting developments among our characters and we finally have the ball rolling to what looks like some relatively crazy episodes in the coming weeks.

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